Humate&Micro "Humate +7" liquid

Plant Growth and Development Stimulator
Humate&Micro "Humate +7" liquid

Designed specifically for grains and oilseeds. Humate + 7 contains a complex of humic and fulvic acids in an accessible form for plants, and a chelated complex of micronutrients: N, P, K, S, B, Mo, Mn, Cu, Co, Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na Solubility - 100%. Differs from "Humate + 7 K Na" in the increased content of zinc, boron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Activates the growth and metabolic processes in plants. Increases crop resistance to adverse weather and climate conditions.

Proven efficiency of yield growth up to 35%!

We will send the research results with recommendations for use to the messenger

  • The form
    liquid concentrate
  • Consumption
    1,2 l / ha
  • Humate content
  • Solubility
  • Composition
    Калиевые соли гуминовых и фульво кислот 10%, N, P, K, S, B, Mo, Mn, Cu, Co, Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, водорастворимый кремний 0,5%

We ship orders all over the world! The minimum batch is from 10,000 rubles. For retail buyers, an order through a dealer is available.
Submit a request to the dealer

Offer for partners and wholesale companies

We will send samples anywhere in the world. We will give an opportunity to test the effectiveness of humic fertilizers and preparations to increase soil fertility and improve its structure


We will send samples for agricultural enterprises and agricultural holdings for free

We will send samples anywhere in the world. We will give an opportunity to test the effectiveness of humic fertilizers and preparations to increase soil fertility and improve its structure

  • provides a yield increase of up to 35% in areas of medium and risky agriculture, and 5-7% on fertile soils in areas of high-tech agriculture;
  • reduces the ripening of plants to 7 days;
  • covers the need of plants for microelements;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients by plants from the soil;
  • relieves stress in plants after treatment with pesticides;
  • stimulates root formation;
  • stimulates plant immunity to fungal and bacterial infections, as well as to pests;
  • increases crop grade;
  • increases the resistance of plants to drought and frost.
Mode of application
  • Seed dressing with a semi-dry method together with a dressing agent.
    Depending on the type of culture, the dose is 1-3 liters per 1 ton of seeds. Protectant is used at the lower dosage limit.
  • Foliar top dressing of plants on the leaf surface or under the root.
    Top dressing is carried out together with chemical weeding or mineral fertilizers. Depending on the type of culture, the dose is 1.2 liter per 1 ha.